Explore our extensive third-party research by NIDA, SAMHSA, and more to see the proven efficacy and impact of CHESS Health solutions.
Oklahoma Study Shows Positive Outcomes with Outpatient App
April 12, 2022This study by the Oklahoma Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services (ODMHSAS) shows positive outcomes for outpatients with substance use disorder who used the CHESS Health Connections app. -
Pharmacotherapy and Mobile Health for Veterans with Substance Use Disorders
June 29, 2020Funded by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) and administered by the Loyola Recovery Foundation, this research explored alternative therapies for a high-risk, high-need population prone to frequent addiction crisis, emergency medical, and psychiatric services utilization. -
App Usage Increases Treatment Compliance and Sessions for Women in Appalachia
June 1, 2020Funded by SAMHSA, this research focused on the impact of the CHESS Health digital solutions on Appalachian women in treatment for SUD. -
Digital Delivery of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
December 17, 2019The eRecovery solution employs a digital CBT module, which is the Yale University developed CBT4CBT program. This program is backed by rigorous research. -
App Increases Treatment Completion for At-Risk Youth
March 21, 2018The study researched the impact of using a smartphone app as part of treatment of adolescents undergoing treatment for drug and alcohol addiction. -
App use leads to more treatment, better outcomes
March 21, 2018Published in the Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, this research demonstrated a higher level of abstinence from alcohol use for app users. -
A Pilot Test of a Mobile App for Drug Court Participants
October 21, 2016This Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) funded pilot tested the use the social supports offered by CHESS Health’s mobile recovery app with post-adjudication offenders in a drug court program. -
A Smartphone Application for Alcoholism Recovery
May 1, 2014Published in JAMA Psychiatry, this research showed the impact of smartphone app to help reduce heavy drinking days for patients with alcoholism. -
How Patients Recovering From Alcoholism Use a Smartphone Intervention
September 13, 2013Funded by the National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism and published in the Journal of Dual Diagnosis, this study shows that four months after finishing treatment for alcohol dependence, individuals remained engaged with a recovery smartphone app. -
Tech-Based Interventions Offer Promise for Alcohol Use Disorder
March 21, 2011Funded by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, this research summarizes multiple studies on the effectiveness of technology solutions to increase and provide continuing care for patients with alcohol use disorder (AUD).
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