CHESS Health’s Connections app features online galleries that celebrate the artistic creativity of people in recovery.

The Healing Power of Art in Recovery

Art plays a crucial role in healing by providing a creative outlet for individuals to express their emotions, thoughts, and experiences. Engaging in the artistic process fosters self-reflection and introspection, helping individuals explore their feelings.

New Art Galleries available in Connections

Mary, a peer specialist at CHESS Health, hosts an art-themed virtual meeting called Creative Pathways, where participants share their artwork and express themselves. Inspired by these gatherings, she launched Creative Expressions, a gallery in the Connections app that invites everyone within this online community to showcase their art. This platform serves as a source of motivation and inspiration for all, regardless of their participation in the Creative Pathways meetings. Creative Expressions showcases community contributions spanning stories, poetry, photos, drawings, paintings, and more. 

In celebration of Recovery Month, the new online gallery Recovery Reflections invites individuals to share their perspectives on recovery. This space showcases authentic narratives and highlights the diverse experiences of those facing substance use disorders and mental health challenges. This year’s SAMHSA theme, The Art of Recovery, emphasizes recovery through artistic expression.

Both galleries offer a browsable platform within Connections for individuals to submit their art, allowing them to inspire others in recovery. Sharing personal experiences through creative mediums fosters connection and understanding among individuals in this digital community, creating powerful peer-to-peer inspiration.  Today the galleries boast over 75 pieces of art.

These galleries present a diverse range of perspectives and enhance engagement and a sense of belonging while reinforcing coping skills and offering a creative outlet for self-expression. Art can help individuals make sense of their feelings and motivate others to explore their artistic abilities, serving as a powerful tool for self-discovery throughout all stages of recovery.

We are pleased to have permission to share a few samples from the galleries below, but to browse the full gallery and make this resource available to your clients or patients, contact us.

Art of Recovery
Art of Recovery
Art of Recovery
Art of Recovery

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